Saturday 21 July 2012

Darkness Calling

whirling weightless
caught in the twirling
twisting and turning away
suspended from feeling
abandoned of seeing
only the black remain
the hole that I`m in
has no address
no way even
the depth to assess
still I`m spinning
round and around
caught in this black hole
with nary a sound
exept for the ghosts
of yesteryears laughter and jokes
surreal the feeling
like I`m suspended
`tween birth and death alone
like all else has ended
and when I hit bottom
if at all there be one
I`ll fight and I`ll claw
till my fingers are raw
and bloody like my soul
to get out of this hole
so don`t get a fright when that happens
It`d be me
not quite a ghoul..
perhaps with a worry line
or two more
perhaps with a body
a little bit sore
but a spirit unbroken
simply because
no man….or woman
has that kind of power
over me

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